Finally, a packer with foreskin! Pierre is the best selling intact packer in the United States and one of our signature products. This silicone packer features over 100 unique skinfolds throughout the shaft and subtly asytemtical testicles. There is an ideal Pierre packer for everyone on the gender masculine spectrum.
We have this handmade silicone packer available in 3 realistic skintones. Pierre is the most accessible and affordable intact packer on the market.
The human skin colors come in three tones. Ranked from palest to darkest, they are Cashew, Hazlenut, and Chocolate.
Because New York Toy Collective uses premium platinum based silicone, our silicone toys are odorless, boilable and dishwasher safe. Additionally, all of our toys are hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and free of phthalates.